
A Map of Archetypes for Finding, Being Valued for and Surviving Purpose


An 8-week archetype coaching program for strong men to get stronger by finding, being valued for and surviving their purpose. On this journey they will learn to tap internal strength, navigate or avoid a crash, and be a part of creating a difference in the world to their potential without having to go at any pace but their own.

Personal Coaching Add-on


For existing and past big package clients only, use added personal sessions to get coaching support in service creation, business strategy, marketing, and in any area of your life that mental/emotional/spiritual challenges that can stop you in your tracks.

Personal Journey Archetype Reading


In this archetype reading, with personal coaching options, discover what stops you from having clarity about your next steps by seeing the shadows of your top three Journey archetypes, and make a plan to go with decisiveness and conviction in a newfound direction.  


A six-part process for replacing a time-for-dollars service based on modalities with:

  1. Archetype and de-programming work to take emotional weight out of the creation and action process.
  2. A clear and natural-for-you niche.
  3. A signature system that includes all of your passions and talents.
  4. Results-based packages.
  5. A relationship building conversation that leads to paid clients.
  6. Strategies for getting your message out to your niche and meeting new potential clients on a regular basis.

Perfect for those who love freedom and purpose who want to become independent of employment positions and do what God calls them for as a valued service.


A Hero's Journey archetype reading with Beth Martens for seeing where you are on your path, knowing the patterns of the gifts and shadows, simplifying what seem like complex problems, and gaining clear direction for the inner work that will be part of the strategy you can take for creating your life in '24, and not leaving it to controllers.