What if you had clear direction for the coming year?
It's not as hard as you may think to find it!
Is it time for clear direction?
Five years into the next-level tyranny there’s a lot of water under the bridge. Many people’s lives were turned inside out and came out battered and bruised over it. And there were many victories in the face of it.
Did it keep you reacting to and trouble-shooting every little insult to your free will? Or at some point did you get in the captain’s seat, turn the ship around, and use your free will more than ever?
Have you started and stopped and started again?
The Hero’s Journey is not a straight path. It’s naturally a windy, windy road, that’s made artificially complex by the powers that ought-not-be.
And while it's caused a lot of suffering, that’s exactly what we can use as grist for the mill.
Because when you’re all comfortable and cozy in the golden age, no one remembers to do the inner work of freedom. But in the midst of madness you're more likely to seek solutions inside, and if you're smart you'll seek them within yourself first.
Do you feel like you’re beginning again?
If you're feeling like you're starting over...again, you're bumping into the cyclic and spiral nature of our realm, And while it can feel like a curse, it means we can always get a fresh start.
So now, knowing what you know now that you didn’t know pre-2020, do you think it’s better to float or flounder along without a clear direction in these times?
Or has the time come to put your beliefs into action and focus your will on what is Life giving, what is full of sacred purpose, and what is meaningful to you and those around you?
You can only find this at the beginning.
You don’t have to journey blindly.
No matter what you say about it feeling lost and directionless is one of the biggest disturbances we can experience. It’s easy to suppress, but that doesn’t make it go away, it packs an even greater punch fuelled by the power of the collective unconscious!!
But if you go in search of shadows, you’re in control of it, actively seeking clarity of direction, it’s way more fun than having life blow up in your face.
I saved my life doing this work going on 30 years ago.
It was a knock'm down storm of chaos, I suddenly found myself so sick and dying, and was lost for three years throwing spaghetti at the wall, going in every direction at the same time.
I nearly threw in the towel after a second, more serious diagnosis....but after nothing was working, I was guided to work with archetypes.
I found myself, where I was stuck.
Once I saw that, I went to work on awakening to that part of myself.
It wasn't easy because I had no one to guide me.
But I persisted because my life depended on it.
It wasn't a straight road since then, but by awakening the shadow of a single archetype on the Hero's Journey, the Rebel, I went forward into creating with Life, rather than writing off this incarnation only to have to....and I knew it....begin again.
That's why I'm offering readings for my community now. So you don't have to suffer so long like I did, getting lost in the chaos, and began to live with purpose and freedom that grows every single day, if you choose it.
So, for the next six weeks I’m opening spots in my calendar for personal Hero’s Journey Archetype Readings!!!!
By finding the specific patterns that both give Life and those that drain it in the archetypes of the Hero’s Journey, and its classical stages, you can see where the work needs to be done, what stands in the way, and how to let that go.
This Hero's Journey Archetype Reading is perfectly timed for you if you…
- Have been in reaction mode and want to take more control of your direction.
- Hit a road block and need to figure out how you got there, and the way past.
- Are in confusion or overwhelm and need to cut through the noise.
- Are struggling to make a decision that’s important to you.
- Want to make a renewed commitment to your sacred purpose and work most efficiently on that.
What's included:
One-hour personal, Hero's Journey archetype reading with Beth on Zoom
Recording of your session
Bonus PDF (or hard copy if you upgrade) of my book Journey
Guided deprogramming recording on the 8 archetypes of the Hero's Journey so you can see the context you're working in.
*You can also upgrade to include personal deprogramming coaching sessions for those that not only discover their direction, but want to break ground and go for it!!!
What to expect:
After you book I will send you:
- A link to the Journey Archetype quiz (even if you've done it before),
- My book, Journey,
- Questions to answer and send to me in advance of the reading,
- And my calendar link to get one of the spots available.
During your reading we will be talking about how your biggest challenges are showing up as archetypal patterns, and seeing how the gifts and shadows create a map for moving forward in a clear direction.
And after the reading, to assist you in deprogramming the patterns you find, you'll receive a guided deprogramming recording of all of the archetypes so you can see and release on the big-picture context of your Hero's Journey.
For those booking added "Breaking Ground" coaching sessions, I will be teaching you how to not only find the patterns, but to release on your specific challenges, and the programming that holds them in place.
And for those going all in, you will receive everything, plus a "Breaking Ground" coaching session for each of the 8 Journey Archetypes, and my Find Your Sacred Purpose online course!!
Click below for more information.
"That reading blew my mind."
Wow thank you so much Beth, that reading blew my mind. It was the deepest shift I have ever had in coaching. I have freed up so much energy, I can feel it pulsating through my entire body. You so have to offer this to people, because it was so powerful!
-Coach and Channeller, Caroline Tobin - Divinity Within
Three Ways to Start the Year
Whether you're here for clear direction, to find the direction and do the inner work that stands in the way, or to go all in and use the clear direction to create with your sacred purpose, every Hero's Journey is made of many single steps. The greater your commitment to freedom, the faster you grow!
Get Direction
Hero's Journey Archetype Reading
$197 US
A 60 minute, one-on-one personal reading with Beth.
A recording of your session.
Bonus PDF copy of my book Journey
A guided deprogramming recording on the 8 archetypes of the Hero's Journey so you can see the big picture and release what stands in the way of having clear direction.
Deprogram the Archetypes
Reading + Deprogramming Coaching
$497 US
A 60 minute, one-on-one personal reading with Beth.
A recording of your session.
Bonus PDF AND hard copy of my book Journey
A guided deprogramming recording on the 8 archetypes of the Hero's Journey so you can see the big picture and release what stands in the way of having clear direction.
PLUS 3 personal, 45 minute, "Breaking Ground" coaching sessions!!
Go All In
Reading + Deprogramming Coaching + Find Your Sacred Purpose
$1197 US
A 60 minute, one-on-one personal reading with Beth.
A recording of your session.
Bonus PDF AND hard copy of my book Journey
A guided deprogramming recording on the 8 archetypes of the Hero's Journey - so you can see the big picture and release what stands in the way of having clear direction.
PLUS 8 personal, 45 minute "Breaking Ground" coaching sessions to deprogram each of the Hero's Journey archetypes and take the biggest leaps forward in clear and purposeful direction!!
PLUS the Find Your Sacred Purpose course online so you can create in your vision.
Included Bonus: My book Journey!
Sign up for one of the limited archetype reading spots and receive a copy of Journey right to your door so you can learn more about your archetype, where you've come from, and where you're headed.

A Map
This book is a map for surviving the sea of meaninglessness, and reclaiming your energy in a world that is invested in you remaining lost. So you also be found, and maybe lost again.
"You can use it and apply it immediately..."
It’s very rare you read a book where you can use it and apply it immediately….and there are very few books I go back to, but this one I will. I would love people to read your book and discover this because it’s very empowering information, Know Thyself, and this is one of the best tools I’ve seen to do such a thing.
-Host of Spacebusters, Steve Falconer
"Such a wealth of knowledge..."
I ordered my book a few weeks ago and started reading it as soon as I got the pdf. Wow! Such a wealth of knowledge. It opened up something for me on pretty much the first page. As a result of recognizing that I was in my Shadow Nature child, I was able to see it for what it was. Now, my Rebel has kicked into gear and I have been working daily on a book project that I was previously avoiding/resisting. As the saying goes, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Many, many blessings to you!
-Jen Rubinstein
"I have already recommended it to several of my clients..."
-Author, Carl Massy
"It's my go-to every evening..."
Much love to you Beth Martens ... your mentorship, your book " Journey" is at my bedside, seriously, its my go-to every evening for reflection, spiritual fulfillment as I lay my head to rest, it drives me every day, THANK YOU!
-Teri Wallace
Order a delivered hard copy of my book and get the PDF while you're waiting for delivery which takes as much as 4 weeks but likely much sooner.
"It's amazing! I cannot stop reading..."
Your book arrived yesterday and it is amazing! I cannot stop reading because it is soo good. You are so clear and precise in your words and I already learned so much. It opened up my eyes on the things my Inner Child did not want to see, and so the Rebel has been awakened.
I am so thankful for your work and I cannot wait to work with you one by one on my life purpose.
I hope that your book spreads the world!
-Mary M.
For archetype, purpose and business coach, author, coach trainer, and founder of the House of Free Will in the Private Domain, Beth Martens, her calling is a life or death thing.
After a decade as a corporate VP in her family’s firm, eight trips to India, and a three-year battle with cancer 20 years ago, she used archetypes to save her life.
Today she helps truth lovers find their sacred purpose, be valued for their life’s work, and survive the ordeals of their Hero's Journey. As a recovering feminist, she helps strong men to survive their missions, and hosts the King Hero's Journey podcast to highlight important leaders, entrepreneurs, movement makers, law experts, and purveyors of the truth.
Do a free ‘King Hero’ Archetype Quiz to learn where you are on the path of purpose. Apply to become a member in the House of Free Will Ministry at www.freewillministry.live.